Artist Statement

We chose the word consumption.  What the word meant to us was the using of resources or the idea of using more than or less than what is needed.  The bulk of the pictures taken show wasting of water, food, energy, and time.  Consumption is something many people do on a day to day basis which is what we wanted to show.  The act of consuming comes in many different forms whether it is through the use of natural resources or time or air. 

In Clayton's pictures he used the flash in the picture of the water usage to emphasize the waste of the actual water, and the use of light. As you can see the girl brushing her teeth is standing outside of the light, and therefore is not the main focus of this picture. It is the water and how many are wasteful in their use of water and to be more aware of how wasteful one might be. In Clayton's second picture you clearly can see that the subject is filling up her gas tank. However it is how frequent of one filling up their gas tank that becomes the issue here. If one fills up their gas tank once a month they probably have other less wasteful ways of transportation. If one were to be filling up their gas tank once every other day they, could be seen as having a wasteful use of gas, increasing their carbon footprint. Each person in the world needs to be aware of how careless he or she may be in the use of our limited resources in the world.

In Lauren's first picture, you can clearly see the main subject, the student, is partaking in the use of a recyclable water bottle in an attempt to prevent the ongoing issue of global warming.  While looking at this photo, for some, your attention might focus on the person drinking the water.  This makes him the main subject matter in this image.  For others, their attention might be brought to his form of  transportation via bicycle. Also, because he is using a bicycle as his form of transportation, he is preventing the consumption of gasoline as well as emitting harmful gases to our ozone layer.  In her second image, she used a student who should be studying for a midterm, but instead is consuming time through the use of the internet, more specifically Facebook.  When taking the picture, Lauren made sure the main focus would be on the book located right next to her computer, using light as a way to focus the viewers attention to this.  Many people today spend hours on end using the internet, when they could be doing other things, such as studying, or being physically active.

In Rene's first picture you see she used the element of lighting.  By putting the main focus of the animal, or bird, in the shadows and the containers which had food in them in the light to show this was the main focus.  She used the cropping or framing method to just show these two elements while not including other subjects that might screw the viewers eyes away from the two main subjects.  The leading line of the bench catches the viewers eye to look left to right and follow that line to see the bird sitting on top of the bench.  This picture is complex because it could have multiple meanings, but the main point the photographer was making was the idea of consuming food and forgetting that there are many more things in this world that are not used to the type of lifestyles we live and consume the same products.  The next picture of the three light bulbs was taken without flash so that the actual lighting came through the picture to show how dim or bright three light bulbs is.  This one fixture lamp hanging from the ceiling was used for one room when one light bulb would have sufficed.  The idea of wasting energy, like electricity, for the enjoyment or aesthetics of a room is becoming more and more common.  Humans in general consume a lot in this world and take more than we need regardless if the resources need to be used for other such as animals.

In conclusion, consumption is in our everyday lives and it is best to limit our consumptions to our basic needs rather than our wants.

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