Have you ever riden a bike so fast and once you get off you feel light headed. The energy that the sun gives of can make one feel dehydrated. Through the consumption of a self propelled form of transportation allows for one to consume self energy leading to exhaustion. With this consumption, it can lead to the need to consume water in order to maintain good health. To avoid overconsumption, this student is using a reusable water bottle in order attempt to offset his carbon footprint. We should all be aware of our overconsumption of plastic water bottles by using reuseable water bottle containers.
How much time do you think it would take you to do homework without the use of the internet. Do you feel like the internet, more specifically Facebook, is a huge distraction when it comes down to it? In today's world many people are constantly on the internet browsing away and consuming their time when often times they should be doing things that is much more productive. In this photo you can see that this student is attempting to study for a test, yet she is browsing through FaceBook. This is a perfect example of the the averages students consumption of valuable time.
I really enjoyed the bottom picture about facebook and studying because it is so prevalent in my own life. I can go to the library for 8 hours, but it's true, for about 3 of those hours, I'm on facebook. This picture does a great job in conveying the misused resources regarding facebook.
ReplyDelete-Adam Katz